Thursday, September 30, 2021

Cervical cancer is deadly, know its symptoms, causes and treatment

Although all diseases are fatal, when the name cancer comes up, then a different fear arises in the mind, especially 'cervical cancer. According to a report, about 74,000 women die every year in India due to cervical cancer alone, and the only reason for this is that women are not screened for cervical cancer. Cervical cancer found in women is a disease that occurs due to an irregular layer of cells in the uterus.

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What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is also called cervical cancer. The risk of this happening is higher when the cells grow abnormally at the level of the cervix. It affects the lower level of the uterus.


Types of Cervical cancer

Sometimes a distinction is made between cervical cancer. There are mainly three types of cervical cancer in women-


  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • .Adenocarcinoma
  • Metastatic Cervical Cancer


Causes of Cervical cancer


Cervical cancer usually occurs when cells start growing abnormally within the body. It is said that cells also have a life, when they die, then new cells are born. Cells that do not die and divide into different parts, then in this condition cervical cancer becomes. Apart from this, there are many reasons for having cervical cancer such as-

1. Sometimes some people have sex at a very young age, due to which cervical cancer starts forming in the cervix.

2. Some women take all kinds of medicines, it has cervical cancer as a side effect, apart from this, women affected by HIV and AIDS can also become victims of this dangerous cancer.

3. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs also promote cancer. One of the causes of uterine cancer in women is smoking and intoxication.

4. Women who give birth to a child under the age of 17 are at higher risk of cervical cancer. Apart from this, due to continuous pregnancies, cervical cancer starts growing in the cervix.

5. Sometimes contraceptive medicines also become the cause of cervical cancer


Symptoms of Cervical cancer

According to a report, breast cancer occurs the most in women, but the disease that comes after that is cervical cancer. This cancer is usually caused by the papillomavirus, also known as HPV. You can recognize cervical cancer by the following symptoms



There is excessive bleeding in cervical cancer. Cervical cancer causes an increase in certain cells that suddenly break down and cause more bleeding


Trouble building relationships

Women who have cervical cancer, they feel a lot of pain in having sex, apart from this, the discharge of thick smelly discharge after having sex is also a symptom of cervical cancer.


Excessive urination

If you feel that you go to the bathroom more than other people and you have frequent urination within a few moments, then in such a situation it is necessary to contact the doctor as it can also be a symptom of cervical cancer.


Feeling tired

It is common to feel tired after work, but even after taking rest, you are feeling tired, then this is also a symptom of cervical. In addition to cervical cancer, a person suffering from such a condition may also suffer from anemia.


The smell from the genitals

 It is common to expel odorless substances from the genitals, but even after cleaning, this odor comes out and if the amount of smell is very high in it, then it can be a symptom of cervical cancer. This foul-smelling substance can be red, brown, and mixed with blood.


Cervical cancer treatment

In general, there is no simple cure for cervical cancer, it can be prevented with some precautions. Apart from this, if you have become a victim of cervical cancer, then this disease can be cured only by doing some major treatments. For example, treatment by radiotherapy.


How to avoid cervical cancer?

Once you become a victim of cervical cancer, it becomes very difficult to get rid of it, the treatment of this disease is also so expensive that it is not enough for a common person. In such a situation, this disease can be prevented only with some precautions. like-

  •  Avoid having sex with multiple people without a condom.
  • If you want to avoid cervical cancer, then get a Pap test done every 3 years, by doing these cancer cells are detected.
  • It is very important to avoid smoking, as nicotine and other toxic substances released from it can cause cervical cancer.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and green vegetables but stay away from obesity as far as possible.
  • Avoid getting married and having physical relations at a young age.

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Monday, September 27, 2021

Comment Obtenir Un Traitement De Liposuccion Des Cuisses À Singapour ?

 Aujourd’hui, l’obésité est le problème de santé le plus courant qui affecte la plupart des gens dans le monde. À Singapour, la prévalence de l’obésité augmente également. C’est pourquoi les Singapouriens subissent divers types de chirurgie de perte de poids.

La liposuccion des cuisses est l’une d’entre elles. Si vous recherchez un traitement de liposuccion des cuisses à Singapour, vous n’avez pas à vous inquiéter. Nous allons vous en parler en détail. Mais d’abord, vous devez savoir ce que c’est ?

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Thursday, September 23, 2021

ما هو مرض القلب الإقفاري وكيف يتم علاجه؟


يعتمد خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب بشكل كبير على نمط الحياة والنظام الغذائي. إذا كنت تستهلك طعامك وتشرب بشكل صحيح ، فإنك تبتعد عن الأمراض التي تهدد الحياة مثل النوبات القلبية. اليوم سوف نتحدث عن مرض متعلق بأمراض القلب يسمى مرض القلب الإقفاري. لا داعي للقلق بشأن ذلك ، ما هو مرض نقص تروية القلب؟ سأخبرك عن هذا بالتفصيل. مرض القلب مرض مفاجئ يهدد الحياة. هناك الكثير من الناس الذين لا يعرفون عنها.

ما هو مرض القلب الإقفاري؟


الإقفار هو حالة ينخفض ​​فيها تدفق الدم إلى جزء واحد من الجسم. يتميز نقص تروية القلب بانخفاض تدفق الدم والأكسجين إلى عضلة القلب. مشاكل القلب الإقفارية هي تعريف لأمراض القلب الناتجة عن تضييق شرايين عضلة القلب. عندما تضيق هذه الشرايين ، يمكن أن تصل كمية أقل من الدم والأكسجين إلى القلب.

قد لا يعرف الكثير منكم أنه يُعرف أيضًا باسم مرض الشريان التاجي ومرض القلب التاجي. يمكن أن يسبب هذا أيضًا نوبة قلبية. غالبًا ما يسبب الإقفار ألمًا في الصدر أو إزعاجًا ، يُعرف أيضًا باسم الذبحة الصدرية.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Liposuction Treatment In Singapore?

 Liposuction is perhaps the most famous cosmetic surgery. Thigh liposuction follows a comparative fat expulsion interaction to some other liposuction methods. The lone distinction with thigh liposuction is that it centers around eliminating fat from the thigh rather than more normal regions like the stomach. Similarly, as with any superficial strategy, the focus on thigh liposuction is to upgrade the presence of your thighs by making them more thinner.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Here Is The Inguinal Hernia Surgery For Bangladeshi Patients In India

 Inguinal hernia fix is a medical procedure to fix a hernia in your crotch. A hernia is tissue that lumps out of a shaky area in the stomach divider. Your digestive tract might swell out through this debilitated region. Open a medical procedure for inguinal hernia fix is protected. The repeat rate (hernias that require at least two fixes) is low when open hernia fix is finished by experienced specialists utilizing mesh patches.

What is Sacroiliitis Treatment

When a woman is experiencing pain in the pelvic area, hips, groin, feet, or lower back, then you have to immediately talk to your doctor. According to the doctor, it is difficult to diagnose. If you have these problems like Prolonged standing, Stair climbing, Running, Taking large strides, Bearing more weight on one leg than the other then you may have this. Treatment will improve your quality of life you may have options like Joint injections, Radiofrequency denervation, Electrical stimulation, Joint fusion.

Read More: What Is Sacroiliitis Treatment And Link To Pregnancy?

Monday, September 13, 2021

How To Get Thigh Liposuction Treatment In Singapore?

 Today obesity is the most common health problem which affects most people worldwide. In Singapore obesity also increasing in prevalence. That’s why Singaporeans are undergoing various types of weight loss surgery. Thigh liposuction is one of them. If you are looking for thigh liposuction treatment in Singapore. Then you don’t need to worry about it. We will tell you about it in detail. First, you have to know what it is?

What Is Thigh Liposuction Treatment In Singapore?

Thigh liposuction treatment in Singapore is that slims the shape of the thighs. Most of the time a weight loss diet and exercise are not helpful in certain parts of the body. Your thighs are one of those that already have excess fat. If you want to lose fat in your thigh.


Then you may need thigh liposuction treatment. Thigh liposuction removes excess fat from the thigh. Thigh liposuction treatment will help you to meet your ideal shape. Sometimes a better shape of your thigh will boost your overall confidence and self-esteem.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Myasthenia Gravis Ascending Paralysis, A Rare Case

 In one of our recent articles, we discussed the rare Guillain Barre Syndrome. While that was more or less related to the conditions caused by the Ebola virus, we have a similar condition. This is actually related to the above-mentioned condition. It is called Myasthenia Gravis Ascending paralysis.

We know the condition sounds very complicated. Do not worry! We will make sure that you know enough to understand. We will also try our best to make it as easy for you as possible.

These neurological conditions have severe and long-term effects on the human brain. It is therefore advisable to get consulted and treated. Where should you go? Well! GoMedii is your treatment partner and we promise to not let you down. What we must do? You just have to drop your query and places you wish to get treated.

See More: best surgery hospital in India

Sunday, September 5, 2021

What is Oral Cancer

 Patients ignore the initial symptoms of oral cancer. Keeping tobacco gutkha in the mouth gives an open invitation to cancer. Despite that they do regular check-ups for the wounds in the mouth, they do not pay attention to it. By the time the merge increases, it is too late.

Oral cancer patients in India are the highest in the whole world. About 90 percent of oral cancer patients use tobacco. Most people keep tobacco-containing gutkha in the mouth or between the teeth and cheeks. This is where he gets cancer. The risk increases in proportion to the duration and amount of tobacco use. In addition, excessive consumption of alcohol also increases the risk of oral cancer. The prickly part of a broken tooth, poorly fitting teeth can also be the cause of oral cancer by repeated rubbing.

Symptoms of Oral cancer

non-healing canker

Oral cancer is a protruding part of your skin that does not heal. That is, when it is not cured quickly, then you can consider it as a symptom of oral cancer.


weight loss

Many people also experience weight-related problems in oral cancer. During this time they may see signs like maximum weight loss, and cancer.


lump or swelling in different areas of the mouth

Some people may also notice problems related to the mouth such as swelling/thickness, lumps, spots/scabs, or erosions developing in the lips, gums or other areas of the mouth during this time.


patchy patches in the mouth

One of the symptoms of oral cancer is the development of velvety white, red, or blotchy (white and red) patches in your mouth.


bleeding from the mouth for no reason

If you suddenly start bleeding from your mouth without any reason, then you can also consider it as one of the symptoms of oral cancer.


unexplained pain in any part of the face

Unexplained numbness, loss of feeling, or pain/tenderness in any area of ​​the face, mouth, neck, or ears.


lesion on the face

Due to oral cancer, the problem of sores on the face, neck or mouth of the victim is seen. But the specialty of this wound is that it does not heal within 2 weeks.



feeling stuck in the back of the throat

People suffering from oral cancer have a sore throat and with this they feel that something is stuck in the back of the throat. This is also a symptom of oral cancer. Sore throat for a long time without any reason


Experiencing difficulty in moving the tongue

If you are experiencing difficulty chewing or swallowing, speaking or moving your jaw or tongue, it may also be one of the many symptoms of oral cancer.


Nervousness and voice changes

Many people feel a sudden flutter or change in voice. Feeling like this is also a symptom of oral cancer.



change in the shape of teeth

You must have felt that however rough the teeth may be, they fit on each other. But if there has been a change in the way your teeth and artificial teeth fit together, it can be a symptom of oral cancer.


lump in neck

A person suffering from oral cancer experiences a lump in the neck. Many people may feel as though they have a knot in their neck.


  •  regular fever without any reason
  • Severe pain around the teeth or jaws


Cause of oral cancer


People addicted to smoking cigarettes, cigars, and hookahs, have a 6 percent higher risk of developing mouth cancer than a non-smoker.


Tobacco - The risk of getting mouth cancer is 50 percent higher in people who sniff, eat or chew tobacco than those who do not use tobacco. Mouth cancer usually occurs in the cheeks, gums, and lips.


Alcoholic drinkers have a 6 percent higher risk of developing mouth cancer than the rest.


History - People in whose family someone has had mouth cancer before, such people are at a higher risk of this cancer. There are many causes of oral cancer such as tobacco (tobacco, cigarette, pan masala, paan, gutkha) and alcohol, and oral sex and not cleaning the mouth properly, etc. To identify this, the doctor examines the lips, oral cavity, pharynx (back of the mouth, face, and neck) and examines any kind of swelling, stained tissue, and wounds, etc.


It is important to note that more than 25% of oral cancers occur even in people who do not smoke or drink alcohol.

Types of oral cancer

  • Lip cancer
  • Tongue cancer
  • Cheek cancer
  • Gum cancer
  • Cancer of the floor of the mouth
  • Cancer of the hard and soft palate



Oral cancer stages

Different methods are used to classify the stages of different types of cancer. Below is an example of a common method for this



Stage 0 - This stage indicates cancer is where it started and has not spread.


Stage I - This stage indicates that the cancer is small and has not spread anywhere.


Stage II – This stage indicates that the cancer has grown but has not spread.


Stage III – This stage indicates that cancer has grown and may have spread to surrounding tissues and/or lymph nodes.


Stage IV – This stage indicates that cancer has spread to at least one other body part from where it started; It is also known as "secondary" or "metastatic" cancer.


ways to prevent oral cancer

If you want to avoid oral cancer, then you should stay away from smoking and drugs as soon as possible.

Mouth cancer can be avoided by a regular good cleaning of teeth and mouth.

Eat less junk food, processed food, cold drinks, canned things.

Be sure to eat fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables, salads.

If any kind of change is seen inside the mouth, then the doctor should be contacted immediately.

Tobacco should not be used.


  • oral cancer test
  • biopsy

If a suspicious area is found, your doctor or dentist may remove a sample of cells for biopsy. Biopsies can also have different rates.


  • X-ray
  • ultrasound scan
  • MRI scan
  • Computerized Tomography Scan
  • Positron emission tomography scan
  • Oral cancer treatment methods




Surgery to remove the tumor Your surgeon removes the cancerous and some accompanying healthy tissue to remove the tumor, making sure all cancer cells are removed. Smaller cancers can be removed through minor surgery. Larger tumors may require more extensive procedures.


Radiation therapy

You may only need radiation therapy if your oral cancer is in its early stages. Radiation therapy may also be used after surgery. In other cases, radiation therapy and chemotherapy can also be treated by combining this, which increases the effectiveness of radiation therapy but also increases its side effects. In later-stage oral cancer cases, radiation therapy may help relieve cancer symptoms, such as pain.



Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses chemicals to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs may be given in combination with other chemotherapy drugs or in combination with other cancer treatments. Chemotherapy can increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy, so the two are often combined.

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