Thursday, April 30, 2020

How to quit the deadly addiction of Tobacco, which leads a person to death

World Tobacco Prohibition Day is observed on 31 May, come read a special article on this. The habit of tobacco is seen in many people around us. This is a very dangerous and fatal addiction. This can lead to a fatal disease like heart attack

Come read some facts about chewing tobacco:

Smokeless, sniffing or chewing tobacco contains nicotine as well as many known carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).

Chewing tobacco consumes more nicotine than cigarette smoking.

Chewing tobacco intake is a major factor in oral cancer.

Other health risks of chewing tobacco include gum disease, tooth decay and loss of teeth and other cancer, and potential problems with heart disease.

Products designed to help those who quit smoking can also be used to help chew tobacco.

What is chewing tobacco?

Chewing tobacco is sometimes referred to as chewing tobacco or spitting tobacco. It is available in two forms, sniffed and chews tobacco. Both types of chewing tobacco are placed inside the cheek or between the cheek and gum. Smelling and chewing tobacco are usually available in tins or pouches.

Chewing tobacco contains at least 28 cancer-causing chemicals, medically known as carcinogens. The main carcinogens in chewing tobacco are tobacco-specific nitrosamine (TSNAs). Some other cancer-causing agents found in chewing tobacco are formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, arsenic, benzopyrene, nickel, and cadmium. Both asthma and TB disease can be caused by tobacco.

Like all tobacco products, nicotine is also found in sniffing and chewing tobacco. However, nicotine is absorbed more slowly from chewing tobacco than cigarettes, 3 to 4 times more nicotine is absorbed from chewing tobacco than cigarettes, and nicotine from chewing tobacco is higher in the bloodstream and Lasts for a period of time. Nicotine is the substance responsible for tobacco addiction.

Are health hazards from chewing tobacco?

There are several significant health risks associated with chewing tobacco use.

Those eating snuff and chewing tobacco are at increased risk of certain types of cancer, most of which are oral cancers including other cancers such as:

  • cheek,
  • Gums,
  • Lips,
  • Tongue, and
  • Floor and roof of the mouth.
  • Poor mouth skin

Other hazards in addition include:

Pancreatic cancer,
Esophageal cancer, and
stomach cancer.
Other health risks of chewing tobacco
People who use chewing tobacco have an increased risk of:

  • Gum diseases
  • Leukoplakia 
  • Tooth friction
  • Teeth staining
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth fall

What treatments are available to people who use chewing tobacco to help them quit?

Chewing tobacco is an addiction that can be overcome. Along with cigarette smoking, various support systems, programs, and even prescription drugs are available to help people quit using chewing tobacco. Among the available products, the following methods can be used:

  • Nicotine gum
  • Nicotine patches (Habitrol, Nicoderm CQ, Nicotrol) and
  • Sweet pills.
  • Prescriptions such as bupropion SR (Zybon and Wellbutrin SR) and varenyline tartrate (Chantix)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What is Prostate Cancer Know its Causes, symptoms and remedies

What is prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a serious and common cancer that occurs in the prostate of men. It looks like a small gland in the shape of a walnut, which produces and nourishes semen (sperm). Prostate cancer progresses slowly, initially confined to the prostate gland. There is no serious harm in this situation. Some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and do not require any treatment, whereas some cancers are very aggressive and spread very quickly. Such prostate cancer is diagnosed early. Prostate cancer, which is limited only to the prostate gland, has a high probability of successful treatment.

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How common is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is known as a serious disease that affects thousands of men during the middle age and old age. Prostate cancer is most commonly found in men over 65 years of age. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) found that in 2013, about 239,000 American men had prostate cancer complaints. Although prostate cancer can be prevented to a great extent by controlling the causes of this disease, however, please consult your doctor for more information.


What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

There are no signs or symptoms in the onset of prostate cancer. When prostate cancer is highly aggravated, some of the following symptoms are seen such as: -

  • Trouble urinating
  • Decreased urine flow
  • Blood in sperm
  • Pelvic area pain
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • No consciousness

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

The cause of prostate cancer is still unknown. According to doctors, prostate cancer begins when some cells in your prostate become abnormal. A change in the DNA of abnormal cells causes cells to proliferate and divide more rapidly than normal cells, and these abnormal cells remain alive, while normal cells are destroyed. The collected and growing abnormal cells invade nearby tissue to form a tumor. Some abnormal cells break apart and spread to other parts of the body.

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Know the reason for danger

What causes increased risk of prostate cancer?

You may be at greater risk of prostate cancer if you are experiencing these following conditions:

Old age

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age.

If your complexion is dark
Men of dark skin tone have a higher risk of prostate cancer than other men. In men with dark complexion, prostate cancer is more aggressive but, it is not clear why this occurs.

Family history of prostate or breast cancer

If men in your family have ever had prostate cancer, you may have an increased risk of developing the disease. Also, if you have breast cancer enhancer genes (BRCA1 or BRCA2) or have had multiple breast cancer families in your family, you may have an increased risk of prostate cancer.


People suffering from obesity may be more likely to develop prostate cancer, which is also more difficult to treat.

Understand diagnosis and treatment

The information given is not a substitute for any medical consultation. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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How is cancer diagnosed or diagnosed?

Prostate cancer is diagnosed based on physical tests, your health history and some other tests, such as:

Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)

This is a physical examination in which your doctor examines your prostate to see if there is a hard lump in your prostate gland that could be a tumor.

Prostate biopsy

Your doctor may recommend a biopsy to confirm prostate cancer. In the biopsy, a small piece of the prostate gland is removed and examined.


For this, bone scan and CT scan can also be done.

The American Urological Association and the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force no longer value prostate-specific antigen blood testing for prostate cancer screening, however, it was previously used extensively. Actually, there is no greater benefit from this process. This PSA blood test examines the amount of prostate-specific type of antigen in your blood. However, there may be many other reasons for a high PSA in your blood, therefore, it can also lead to misdiagnosis.

If you already have prostate cancer, this test can determine the stage or grading of the cancer. Before you think about getting a PSA blood test, you must talk to your doctor.

How is prostate cancer treated?

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, it depends on the severity of your cancer. If it has spread, your treatment will be determined by your doctors. If the cancer is not highly spread, your doctor may recommend careful care. Surgery, radiation, chemo therapy and hormone therapy etc. are also options for cancer treatment. Depending on the state of health and the stage of your cancer, your cancer can be treated properly.

Lifestyle changes or home remedies

What lifestyle changes and home remedies are necessary to combat prostate cancer?

You can reduce your risk of getting prostate cancer by following these useful methods:

Choose a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables

Avoid high fat foods. Instead, include fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the diet. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and other nutrients that are helpful in keeping you healthy. Whether or not you can prevent prostate cancer through dieting has not yet been proven, but eating a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables can definitely improve your overall health.

Choose healthy foods instead of supplements

No studies have yet shown whether supplements play a role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, choose foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals so that your body has a good level of vitamins. are.

Exercise most days of the week

Exercise improves your overall health, helps in maintaining the right weight and also improves your mood. There has been evidence that men who do not exercise have higher levels of PSA, whereas men who exercise do not have a lower risk of prostate cancer.

Maintain ideal weight

If your weight is good now, then by exercising on most days of the week, you can manage to maintain it. If you need to lose weight, do some exercise and reduce the number of calories. You can also get your doctor to make exercise plan for weight loss.

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